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Urban Sketching

Creating a travel diary in sketches and watercolours

In one week you explore the landscape of the Gorges d'Allier, a beautiful walking area offering an overwhelming experience of nature, beautiful scenery and small villages. During one of the walks you will explore a small part of the pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela. Go out daily with Jaap and up to 8 other students. There are various walks around Saint Bérain (distances between 8 km and 12 km); on foot you will discover the beautiful natural environment. In your sketchbook you will draw, with charcoal, pencil, watercolour or ink, all the impressions you gather while walking. On Sunday we start with a short exploratory walk and you make your first sketches under the guidance of Jaap. During the course week, different aspects of making sketches like composition, spatial representation and use of colour are fully explained. At the start of the course week, you will receive a sketchbook, sketch and watercolor materials. No drawing or painting experience is required. This course is particularly suitable for students with some hiking experience.

The focus is on personal development and creating a personal travel journal.

Sketch in watercolor
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Urban SKetching

The Haute Loire is a hiker's paradise

Urban Sketching a great week
Urban Sketching

Jaap, your guide and teacher

The course is given by Jaap van der Wal. He is an artist and was educated at the Royal Academy in The Hague. He graduated in 1993. His own work includes drawings, paintings and sculptures. Jaap regularly exhibits in France and the Netherlands. He has lived in France for 20 years and is a real hiker and nature lover. Together you will discover the most beautiful walks in and around the gorges d'Allier. He mainly encourages his students to create according to their own perception. He guides you through various sketch and watercolor techniques in making a personal travel diary.

Daily schedule

After breakfast, departure for the walk. In the morning Jaap will guide you in making your travel diary. On certain days, Lunch will be in Saint Bérain. On other days Ahmed comes with the picnic on site. On those days we walk and sketch after lunch and we are back home around 4 pm. On Friday we organize a final presentation of the travel diaries made during the course week.

Together with Jaap you will discover the most beautiful walks in and around the gorges d'Allier

Pleasure in creating and enjoying nature and walking are the top priorities in this course.